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Model United Nations (MUN) conferences model a variety of international, regional and national decision making bodies that cover a plethora of topics, ranging from international peace to climate change. At HCCRI, we offer a range of councils that cater to delegates of various experience levels, while exposing delegates to various global and regional issues.

Difficulty Level Council Topic
Beginner United Nations Human Rights Council The issue of debt bondage
Beginner World Health Organisation The ethical considerations and production of pharmaceuticals
Intermediate Disarmament and International Security Committee The question of the use of unmanned combat aerial vehicles
Advanced United Nations Security Council UNSC
Advanced Rajya Sabha Internal Security in India
Crisis Joint Crisis Council The Spanish Civil War

Beginner Councils: 0 - 1 past MUN experience
Intermediate Councils: 2 - 4 past MUN experience
Advanced Councils: more than 4 past MUN experience

Note: The number of past MUN experiences merely serve as guides. Delegates are welcome to choose a council of a higher difficulty level if they wish to challenge themselves.